My Weight loss Story - The What
Well, Hey, Yall!
It is officially a new year and I was poking around my instagram and realized there are SO many new faces. I wanted to take a little time to at the beginning of this year to really dive into my story of weight loss with 3 part blog series and hopefully inspire you as you are setting out on the New Year’s Resolutions!
Looking at the picture above you may be thinking “well we all have terrible pictures from when we were younger” or even “looks like she had some baby cheeks” but that was far from what was happening out of frame. I was in middle school and weighed well over 200 pounds in this picture. I often went around feeling like a prisoner in my own body but did not think anyone else took notice of my weight until one fateful afternoon.
I had just dressed out for PE and was walking into the dreaded gym where I was sure we would be doing a round of basketball or dodgeball or something involving a ball and hand eye coordination that I most certainly did not have but instead our PE coach barked at us that we would all be doing the fitness test that day. My stomach sank “the fitness test?” I thought “what does that mean?”.
“You are going to do a round of situps and pushups , followed by a one mile run.” Our coach announced.
I began to encourage myself “Ok, you can do this! Don’t panic, just do one task at a time.” Long and short of it, I could not do any of it. Not one full sit-up, not a proper pushup, and my mile “run” was laughable and time ran out before I could finish.
I sulked to the locker room hoping that no one had noticed when I overheard some girls laughing and chatting “Can you believe that the fat girl couldn’t do ANY of it?!”
Those words hit me like a ton of bricks. “The fat girl? That is what they think when they see me?” I knew I was overweight but I kinda thought it was my secret. Like somehow no one else saw my size (silly looking back on it but it made sense to me at the time).
I went home that afternoon and cried my eyes out. I felt embarrassed, confused, and like I was trapped in my own skin. I didn’t want to be the fat girl and I knew something had to change.
I started making changes to my diet (I will tell you more about that in the “how” part of this blog series) and lost 15 pounds pretty quickly. I was so encouraged and felt like real change might actually be possible. I went on to lose around 70 pounds in about 18 months and continued to lose weight in college when I competed for the title of Miss Texas.
I have now gone on to help others with their weight loss journey and try to make recipes, health, and diet tips a part of my blog daily! Next week I will be diving into the "how” I lost weight and the “why” I chose to make the change!